
Into the Deep

Ever wonder what it is like to do deep-sea research? Now you can go to sea (virtually) with staff and students at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB). OIMB professor and director Dr. Craig Young, his graduate students, and a handful of undergraduate students recently returned from a research expedition aboard the R/V (research vessel) Atlantis to deep sea methane seeps in the Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic Ocean. Their experiences are chronicled on the OIMB Facebook page from February 20 to March 13.

“Many of the students had opportunities to dive to the ocean floor in the deep-sea submersible Alvin,” says Dr. Young. That also included one 20-year-old undergraduate student who went on the deepest dive—to more than 10,000 feet underwater!

The Facebook page describes not only the shipboard experiences of the students, but also includes a YouTube link to underwater footage (highlights of every Alvin dive) recorded in high definition video.

To learn more about OIMB, go to or read Discovering the Mysteries of the Ocean.